Thursday, July 4, 2019

When you send your kids to college make sure they have combat training

Over at PowerLine the youngest daughter of one of the bloggers wrote about her experience going to a small liberal arts school as a conservative.

She was threatened with violence.

The school refused to allow Ben Shapiro to speak.

The school did nothing when conservative posters were destroyed.

Professors openly attacked students who weren't radical leftists.

The Administration gave in to violent protests by radical leftists.

This is academia today; indoctrination not education.

Of course that's not generally true of engineering or science departments, with the exception of narrow issues like climate change, but far too many Americans are getting what are effectively useless degrees.

A liberal arts education can be good if it teaches students to think critically but too often today a "liberal" arts education consists of students being taught to be critical of thinking.

The student load "crisis" is a result of colleges lying to the students, Democrat politicians luring students with "cheap" loans, and the #FakeNews media promulgating the myth that a college degree means you're a better person.

There are few jobs where a generic college degree makes a person more qualified than a high school degree does. Sure getting a degree in engineering or science gives a person specialized job qualifications but knowing the ins and outs of Shakespeare is beneficial only when applying for a job as a high school teacher.

Jobs and Gates both did rather well without having gotten college degrees for example.

It's time to stop taxpayer support for non useful college degrees. That will drive the indoctrinators out of business and provide a fresh start for colleges and students.

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