Sunday, July 7, 2019

How you can tell that Trump is winning over Blacks.

It's clear that the Democrats are scared to death that they won't get their usual near 100% share of the Black vote because they're coming up with more and more ways to bribe Blacks.

That Blacks are having buyer's remorse isn't surprising. After 70 years of being Democrat only all Blacks have to show for it is the collapse of the Black family.  Under Obama Black unemployment was insanely high for Blacks while the #FakeNews media told the world that things were great.  And of course there are more Blacks being shot each year in Chicago than there were in the bad old days when Blacks still voted, albeit occasionally, for Republicans.

We know that the Democrats are scared because in addition to reparations to modern Blacks for slavery they're taking about massive programs to buy houses and force businesses to pay Blacks "equal pay".

Given that the Democrats have been totally ignoring Blacks lately in order to court Hispanics, unlimited illegal immigration is wrecking havoc with Black wages and job opportunities, this sudden about face is probably the result of some polling data since Democrat politicians never do anything unless it benefits them.

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