Monday, July 1, 2019

The dog that didn't bark in the night: Economy edition

The economy is going great. Americans are getting wealthier.  We're at or close to full employment.

Yet all we hear from the #FakeNews media and the Democrats is how bad things are.

The Democrat Presidential candidates were generally silent on how they would improve or even maintain the economy. Instead they talked about how they would increase taxes, which always hurts the economy, and grow the government.

Like the famous dog that didn't bark in the night from a Sherlock Holmes story--the dog didn't bark because he knew the person who was skulking around--Democrats daren't mention the economy in an honest way.

The fact that Democrats aren't barking about the economy shows that it's doing great and that they don't really care about that.  In fact it hurts them since their whole platform is about helping those who are dependent on the government and full employment drastically reduces the number of people who are dependent on the government.

Similarly the #FakeNews media's silence is necessary in order to avoid admitting that the Obama policies that they so loved failed.

In the run up to the election you'll see more and more of this.  The #FakeNews media hiding any story that makes Trump look good while manufacturing lies that purport to show Trump failing.

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