Monday, July 8, 2019

What the Democrats forget; if the detention camps are bad the people can leave whenever they want to

There was a meme that said "America is such a great country that even the people who hate it don't want to leave".

That immediately brings to mind all the Hollywood types who promised us that they'd leave if Trump were elected but who ended up staying.

But more importantly it applies to the current faux outrage that the Democrats are having about the suffering illegals are going through in detention facilities.

The most important thing to note is that people who don't try to enter the US illegally never ever end up in those facilities.  There are 10 locations in Mexico where people can apply for asylum and then wait safely and comfortably in Mexico until their case is adjudicated.  Further anyone who applies for asylum at any legal border crossing can do the same.

People only end up in the centers if they are caught illegally entering the US.  You probably remember that heartbreaking photo of a father and his child who drowned trying to illegally enter the US. What you probably haven't heard is that the father was waiting for the results of his asylum claim  in Mexico and decided that he didn't want to wait anymore.  He and his child died because of his impatience not because of anything Trump has done. It's a tragedy but it's a tragedy caused by the illegal not by the US.

The second most important thing to remember is that unless the person in question is wanted for other crimes, other than breaking our immigration laws, they can voluntarily leave the facility and return to Mexico.

The fact that people aren't doing that shows that the conditions in those facilities aren't that bad.

But we knew that because the conditions were pretty much the same under Obama and none of the people wailing with anguish about the situation today uttered a peep back then.

Also the same Democrats who are screaming about our not treating criminals who break our immigration laws nicely enough are the ones who fought for months against increasing the funding for those facilities.  Clearly they're just using the illegals to advance the personal quests of Democrat politicians for more power over we the people.

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