Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Leading Democrats want complete control over your health care

In the debate last night fake Native American Elizabeth Warren and millionaire socialist Bernie Sanders both demanded that they be given complete control over your health care.

They want the right to control how much medical care you get.

Now of course they didn't say that. Rather they said that they wanted every American to be on government controlled Medicare.

They didn't mention the multi trillion dollar price tag or the massive tax increases on the middle class that would accompany their gaining control over your every medical decision.

If you're on Medicare the government can decide what is and isn't covered. The government could decide that if you're overweight you don't get certain medical care but that if someone who gets AIDS by being massively promiscuous can get all the medical care they want.

Contrary to the lies of the Democrats most Americans who work hard have good healthcare coverage.  But the Democrats are using the fact that not all Americans, and especially those who are unwilling to work, don't have great healthcare to ensure that everyone, no matter how hard working or how lazy they are, have the same substandard government controlled healthcare.

Warren and Sanders are disguising their grab for control over the most important aspects of your life as being altruistic when in fact it's nothing more than another step in establishing the fascist state where they rule over us rather than represent us.

At least Obama had the smarts to lie to us about how we'd be able to keep our doctor and our healthcare plan.  Warren and Sanders are telling us that if we like our healthcare we're not going to be able to keep it because it's more important that they have power over us than that we are healthy.

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