Saturday, July 27, 2019

Democrats declare that all Blacks who agree with white Democrats can never be wrong.

Black Democrat Elijah Cummings is a saint and any attack on him must be based on pure racism.

That's what the #FakeNews media and Democrat politicians are saying.

It's what they always say whenever anyone attacks a Black Democrat.

Of course when a Black says things that disagree with what white Democrats want Democrats attack them viciously; far more viciously than Trump or any Republican attacks people like Cummings.

Look at the attacks leftists use against people like Ben Carson, Candice Owens, Kanye, and Justice Thomas.  Nothing in Trump's tweet about Cummings is remotely as bad as what leftists hurl at Blacks who dare leave the Democrats ideological plantation.

In fact it's not uncommon for leftists to declare that Blacks who dare reject the ideology of rich white leftists are not in fact Black.  Can you imagine anyone saying that all whites or Asians have to think identically?  Of course not.  Yet Democrats declare that any Black who dares disagree with the ever changing ideology of the Democrat party is a monster.

They then turn around and declare that the only reason to attack any Black who does toe the Democrat party line is racist.

Democrats don't mind when Cummings attacks Trump; calling Trump a racist for example.

The fact that Cummings wife appears to have taken money given to her charity and used it for her personal profit is something that the media won't mention.  Don't doubt for a second that if Trump were to mention that he'd be called a racist.

The reality is simple. Cummings is a dishonest Democrat politician who will tell any lie in order to overthrow we the people's vote in 2016.  But to avoid having to defend his actions he and his cronies simply declare that anyone who attacks them is a racist because they know that they can't win in an open rational discussion.

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