Thursday, July 4, 2019

The real concentration camps we don't hear about

Millions of Muslims in China are in real concentration camps where they're being forcibly reeducated and made to eat pork. They're also being surveyed as potential unwilling organ donors.

To their credit Democrats in Congress have expressed concern about these camps which isn't surprising since the victims are Muslims; the only faith that Democrat politicians care about.

But we're not hearing much in the #FakeNews media just as we didn't hear much about China's forced abortion policies or the Soviets mass murders prior to the start of the Cold War.

The left is too enamored of the Chinese style of government where the elites rule over the masses to dwell on China's faults. After all having the "elites" rule over the rest of us is the left's vision for America.

Thats why even though Chinese tariffs on American products were 4 times higher than US tariffs on Chinese products the #FakeNews media attacked Trump for starting a trade war and defended China.

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