Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Leftist Laurence Tribe confuses American tanks with communist ones

Radical anti constitutionalist Laurence Tribe says that a few tanks showing up in DC to celebrate the 4th of July strongly resembles when Chinese Communist tanks crushed thousands of pro-democracy protesters in China.

This tells us that the left views us, you and me, as the bad guys and communist dictators as good except when they can be invoked to pretend that Trump is like them.

One thing you can be sure of if Democrats get power for long enough people like Tribe will be calling for tanks to run over deplorables.

Another lesson we can learn from the people like Tribe is that they hate the US military.  For Tribe to think that US soldiers would attack American civilians like the Communist Chinese soldiers did shows how little he understands the military.  He thinks American soldiers are monsters even though they routinely increase the risk they face in order to minimize the risk to civilians; even civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan who hate them.

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