Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Look what Trump has gotten Democrats to defend

Whatever you think about Trump you have to admit he's a genius.  Here are a few things that he's managed to get the Democrats to defend:

1) Taxpayers funding a comfortable lifestyle for people who can work but who don't want to
2) Killing born alive babies that happen to have survived an abortion attempt
3) AntiSemitic Democrat politicians like Ilhan Omar and Tlaib
4) Higher Taxes
5) Socialism
6) The government having complete control of your health care
7) The horrible state of Democrat run Baltimore; rats are apparently not bad now
8) Open borders; anyone who can make it to the US border is entitled to welfare for life
9) Free health care not for US citizens but for illegals.
10) Mueller lied when he said there was no collusion
11) Al Sharpton tax cheat and racist hoax promotor

This is what the main stream Republicans have always failed to do; they never managed to make the Democrats actually defend what they really stood for.

For decades Democrats have run as conservatives and then governed as leftists. For the first time a combination of hubris and Trump insanity on the part of Democrats and the #FakeNews media have given us Democrats running on what they really want rather than on what they want we the people to think they want.

Every current Democrat presidential candidate held up their hand to support free health care not for poor Americans but for illegals.

The major Democrat candidates are all for abortion for any reason at any point in time including shortly after birth.

The major Democrat candidates are all for raising taxes on the middle class.

The list goes on. Can you imagine what campaigning on what they really believe as opposed to what they want us to think they believe will do to any Democrat not running in a really safe district?

The motto of Cal Tech is from the Bible; it says "The truth shall set you free".  We need to leverage this collapse of the Democrats disciplined lying to free we the people from the oppressive tyranny that the left wants to impose on us.

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