Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The left declares it hates America: American flag edition

Nike recalled a set of sneakers featuring the Betsy Ross flag because Colin Kaepernick said it was offensive.

The flag that flew when America rejected the monarchy offends a pampered overpaid individual whose only "skill" is playing a game.  But just as Colin hates cops he hates America.

To hate the flag is to condemn all that America is. We can object to various policies, such as abortion for any reason at any time, without hating the entire country but hating the flag means you hate the country as a whole; what it stands for.

That's one of the key unifying themes of the left these days; along with hatred of Christianity, the Constitution, and democracy.

This amazingly rich man whines about racism while being completely unconcerned about the lack of success of white men in the NBA.  Racism you see can go only one way.  Not that the NBA is actually being racist but to the left any "inequality" in result is proof of racism hence by the left's standard the NBA, and to a great extent the NFL, are racist to the core.

It used to be that the left pretended to be patriotic and whined if you pointed out that they were much more fond of Soviet tyranny than American freedom but those days are past.

What's really amazing is that Nike has produced shoes with the flags of repressive mass murdering regimes like China and no one was bothered.  But perhaps that's because the left shares Obama's admiration for the totalitarian Chinese regime.

One bit of good news; because of Nike's action the state or Arizona is withdrawing money it was offering Nike to open a plant there.

1 comment:

Anne C. said...

Yay for Arizona!!!