Thursday, July 4, 2019

The 4th of July is a day of mourning for Democrat politicians and their base

Democrat politicians hate America. That's why they say having a 4th of July parade to celebrate America is "politics". That's why they think of slavery, oppression, and racism on the 4th not all the good things Americans do.

It's not just the "radical" ones like Omar and Ocasio-Cortez that hate America it's the mainstream ones like Pelosi.  Hillary was expressing the views of almost all Democrat politicians when she called you deplorable.

Sure Omar was given all the benefits of America on a silver platter but she still says how horrible America is while defending the Muslim radicals who turned her home into a hellhole.

Ocasio-Cortez is willing to tell any lie to pretend that the US is mistreating the criminals who try to sneak into America and get welfare for life.  Apparently if those miscreants, who put their kids lives at risk by dragging through the desert, don't get 5 star accommodations Ocasio-Cortez will say that the US is a monstrous country.

It's not just them though; the main stream Democrats reject the rule of law, the Constitution, and even democracy when those things obstruct their lust for power.

Obama issued unconstitutional mandates and the Democrats cheered.  But when Trump moved to eliminate those illegal orders Democrat judges declared, and Democrat politicians supported, that Obama was a super President whose edicts couldn't be overturned by subsequent Presidents.

That's a direct rejection of democracy; if we the people can't elect a new President to overturn the policies of a previous one then elections have no meaning.

But that's nothing new for Democrats who have cheered on dishonest Supreme Court judges who have ruled by imperial edict and imposed the entire hedonistic Democrat social agenda on America.

Americans voted against abortion for any reason at any time yet the Supreme Court imposed it.

Americans never voted for legalizing pornography yet the Supreme Court imposed it.

Americans voted against redefining marriage for the 2% of Americans who are gay yet the Supreme Court imposed it.

The Democrats also hate the Constitution. When asked how the Constitution limited what government could do Democrats couldn't think of any limitations imposed on them by the Constitution.  Which isn't surprising since the Democrats act as though the Constitution doesn't exist when it would stand in the way of their continual grab for more power over we the people.

The California Democrat convention declared that any speech they don't like isn't protected by the 1st Amendment.

By demanding Trump's tax returns even though they have no evidence of a crime the Democrats in Congress have shown they don't believe that the 4th Amendment applies to their political opponents.

Their constant attempts to ban guns show that Democrats don't believe in the 2nd Amendment.

Democrats efforts to force people to go against their deeply held religious beliefs shows that Democrats don't believe in the 1st Amendment's protection of religious liberty.

Masked Antifa thugs attack reporters and silence free speech and Democrat politicians either ignore it or only mildly condemn it.

All the Democrat politicians stand for taking money from hard working Americans and giving it to people who vote Democrat but who aren't hard working.

Democrats are for open borders and giving every illegal the same rights and benefits, but not the same taxes, as American citizens.  That's because Democrats know that illegals vote and that they vote Democrat.

Democrat politicians want to remake America into a fascist regime where we the people aren't represented but ruled.  They want an America where there are no limits on what the government can do and where anyone who disagrees with them is a by definition a criminal.

They hate that we the people are free and they hate people who are responsible because those people don't vote Democrat.

The good news is that a large fraction of Democrat voters don't support the Democrat agenda. Rather they believe the lies that the #FakeNews media spreads for Democrats.

It's time to let those voters know the truth so tell your friends just how radical even mainstream Democrats like Pelosi are.

After all when they find out that Democrat politicians are for raising their taxes, allowing born alive babies to be killed, and against freedom of speech those voters might change their minds.


Anonymous said...

This is the type of uninformed drivel that one would expect from someone who gets their information exclusively from right-wing propaganda and conspiracy-theory websites. What we're mourning is the destruction of the institutions that make America great, like fair and open voting, like Checks and Balances, like an independent judiciary, and allowing peaceful demonstrations (remember that 1st Amendment?) without getting teargassed and rubber bullets so a hypocrite can have a photo op with a Bible he's never read in front of a church he's never set a foot in. Antifa isn't even an organization, it's a straw man you neo-fascist use to get yourselves all riled up and foaming at the mouth. It mostly exists on Fox News and right-wing websites. Propaganda works, it worked for the Nazis, it worked for the Soviets, and it clearly worked on you as well.

trinko said...

Ah yes a leftist who can't actually respond to any of the points I made but must rely entirely on insults.

The only fascists in America today are Antifa.

If you knew anything you'd know that rubber bullets weren't used on the rioters who were throwing bricks at the police and neither was tear gas.

But you'll tell any lie to make sure that you can put your jackbooted foot on the neck of Americans.