Monday, July 15, 2019

Democrat Presidential Candidates vs we the people

If you're an average hard working American every policy being advocated by the Democrat Presidential candidates will hurt you.

1) Medicare for all: This means you'll lose your current insurance. It also means that the government will control your medical care; if some unelected government bureaucrat doesn't like your lifestyle--you're overweight for example-- he could decide that you shouldn't get medical care.  We've seen what happens when the government runs your healthcare; it's called the Veterans Administration where our veterans die waiting for care.

The fact that the cost of Medicare for all will require massive new taxes will hurt we the people but it will benefit bums and those who don't want to work.

2)Slavery Reparations: Democrats want people whose ancestors didn't come to America until after the Civil War to pay reparations to Blacks who came to America after the Civil War and who have no slave blood.  This is nothing more than the Democrats trying to bribe Blacks to vote Democrat using your money.

3)Open Borders: While they deny it Democrats are calling for citizenship and welfare for life for anyone who makes it to the US.  Lots of cheap labor drives down wages which hurts we the people but it helps the rich folk who bankroll the Democrat party.  Welfare for life and free medical care for illegals also drives up taxes on we the people. Democrats run California and they just instituted a new tax on citizens the proceeds of which will be used exclusively to fund free health care for illegals.

4) Supporting Iranian terrorism and ensuring that Iran will get nuclear weapons: Democrats support Obama's Iran deal which gave Iran billions of dollars which it used to fund international terrorism while the Iranian people's economic plight grows worse.  Obama's deal also ensured that Iran would be able to build an A Bomb but not until he was safely out of office.

5)Increasing taxes: Democrats constantly lie about Trump's tax cuts, it turns out that 80% of Americans ended up paying less taxes, and declare that they want to repeal them. Which means that they want to increase the amount of taxes that we the people pay.

6)Increased government control: Democrats are all for more and more government regulations which choke the economy and increase unemployment.  If the company you work for is one that the Democrats don't like your job will be at risk. On the plus side if you work for a company that Democrats like--probably because your CEO gives millions to Democrat politicians--your job will be safe.

7)Killing Born alive babies:  Democrats are all for allowing a healthy born baby to die so long as she managed to survive an abortion attempt.  While that doesn't directly impact people reading this the fact that Democrats support it shows a level of moral depravity which can't help but influence their other decisions.

8)Letting Men use Women's bathrooms: Democrats support the right of any man who, even temporarily, self identifies as a woman to use women's bathrooms. While it's true that the average transgendered person won't molest little girls the Democrats don't require men to have a note from a doctor so any child molester will be able to go into women's bathrooms.  Democrats also want biological men to have access to services at battered women's shelters and the ability to compete with women in sporting events.

9) Eliminating free speech: Democrats rarely condemn Antifa violence used to shut down speech.  When Antifa harasses reporters Democrats are usually either silent or supportive. Similarly Democrats are all for censoring voices they don't like.  California Democrats have declared, in writing, that speech they don't like isn't protected by the 1st Amendment.

10) Eliminating religious liberty: Democrats are all for forcing Christian bakers to bake cakes for gay weddings while simultaneously declaring that gay bakers don't have to bake cakes with Christian themes. Democrats are suing the Little Sisters of the Poor to force them to cooperate in providing abortions even though the Supreme Court has ruled that the Little Sisters don't have to do so.

11) Giving politicians access to all our private data: Democrats are demanding access to all of Trump's private data even though they have absolutely no evidence of any sort of crime.  The 4th Amendment protects all Americans, even the President, from random searches. If the Democrats get their way you can be sure that if in the future they decide that they don't like you they'll be able to access all of your private data legally.  Historically they've been enthused about accessing private data illegally, since they knew that the law doesn't apply to them. For example when Joe the Plumber gave Obama a hard time Democrats in government revealed private information about him and back in the Clinton era Democrats used a tape of a private cell phone conversation between Republican congressmen that a Democrat operative had illegally recorded.

12)$15 minimum wage: This will lead to the loss of 1.3 million American jobs as companies cut back or automate functions that just aren't worth $15 an hour.  In places where higher minimum wages have been enacted we see that the working poor are the ones who suffer either because they're fired or because they're forced to go to part time.

13)The Green New Deal: Democrats use lies about apocalyptic climate change to justify increasing the governments power and control.  Renewable energy is much more expensive that hydrocarbon energy and that is really bad for the poor who spend a higher fraction of their money on energy than do the rich or the middle class.  But we now know that the real purpose of the Green New Deal, according to Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff is to change the economy not save the environment.

14) Socialism: Every country that's tried socialism has failed.  The European countries are not in fact socialist they're just capitalist economies with very very high taxes and lots of "freebies" from the government.  Democrats support this because it gives politicians control over the economy and the one thing Democrats want more than anything else is power over we the people.  Of course when the government controlled companies the opportunity for politicians to enrich themselves skyrockets as well.

15) Free health care for illegals: In California Democrats have created a new tax on citizens which will fund free health care for illegals who won't have to pay the new tax.  Americans don't get free health care but Democrats want to make sure that illegals do.

I could go on but the simple reality is that if you're a typical American who works hard to support yourself and your family every policy that the Democrat Presidential candidates supports will hurt you.  Every Democrat policy is based on how many votes it will get for them.  They don't care for people they only care about power.

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