Monday, July 15, 2019

How to tell a DC Republican from a real Republican

President Trump recently tweeted the following:

The #FakeNews media and the ultra radical left are very upset about this. They say it's racist though all of Trump's comments were about the ideology and hatred of America these women share and nothing about their race.

They say it's unAmerican to say that people who hate America should leave.  Trump didn't say he'd throw them out and in a later tweet he made it clear that if they leave they can come back.  

The reason that the Democrat politicians are so upset is simple; if the American people ever found just how unpatriotic most Democrat politicians are and how much many Democrat politicians hate America Democrats wouldn't win any election ever again.

Today's Democrats call Trump a racist and the people who voted for him racists and deplorable as a distraction.

It's Democrats who say that the 1st Amendment doesn't protect speech they don't like.

It's Democrats who say that the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to people they don't like.

It's Democrats who say that the 4th Amendment doesn't apply to people they don't like.

It's Democrats who say that Catholic nuns should be forced to cooperate in procuring abortions.

It's Democrats who constantly blame the USA for all the world's problems while telling us that Che, Mao, Castro, and Chavez were great people.

It's Democrats who say that police officers are going around killing Black people for fun.

It's Democrats who say that the country is racist to the core.

It's Democrats who say that every American should pay Black Americans with no slave blood for the horrors of slavery.

It's Democrats who applaud when the NYT or the WaPo expose highly secret counter terrorism programs; interestingly those same Democrats are upset when WikiLeaks published emails showing that the DNC was rigging the primary against Bernie.

While there are some patriotic Democrat politicians, think of Dan Lipinski, today's Democrat politicians, including every current Democrat politician running for President, hates the Constitution and wants to fundamentally change America.

Trump gets this. He understands that when someone like Ilhan Omar whose privileged life is due to the charity and generosity of America says nothing but negative things about America most Americans would suggest that she go back to her home which she must think is much better than America.

But people in DC generally have a one world perspective. To them America isn't imperfect but still amazingly good compared to other countries; to them America is one of the worst, in not the worse countries in the world.

So one sure way to tell a DC Republican is to see if he condemns Trump saying that if a person who wasn't born in the US but who lives here now hates America maybe they should leave.  

Other ways to see if someone is a DC Republican include:

1) Do they refuse to do anything when Democrats call them racists, deplorables, and neo-Nazis?
2) Do they keep talking about reaching across the aisle even though the Democrats refuse to compromise?
3) Do they value decorum more than actually advancing the conservative agenda?

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