Monday, July 15, 2019

Boston shows hatred of Christians

Boston had a Constitution day in September 2017 where hundreds of flags were flown as part of a one day event.

But not the Christian flag.  The city declared that only secular flags could be flown.

That was a clear violation not only of the 1st Amendment but of numerous Supreme Court decisions which state that the government can't actively discriminate against religion. That's why Christmas displays are fully Constitutional, even in the biased against religion eyes of dishonest Supreme Court judges, so long as secular symbols--frosty the snowman for example-- and symbols of all religions are allowed.

Now I've never heard of the Christian flag but I fully support the right of those who like that flag to have it flown just as I would support Muslims who wanted to fly a Muslim flag.

Too many government officials are misusing their authority to wage a war against people of faith.

Hopefully Boston will lose the lawsuit it's facing and that will inform other would be government dictators that we the people have rights.

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