Sunday, July 21, 2019

Racist Democrats hide behind Blacks

The latest controversy about the patriotism, or lack thereof, of the "Squad"--four radical anti-American Democrat congresswomen, is a stark example of how racist Democrats hide behind Blacks.

The script is as follows; a Black person espouses a highly controversial Democrat policy--say calling for the destruction of Israel, or falsely declaring that illegals are made to drink out of toilet bowls-- and a sane conservative calls them out for it.  That conservative is called a racist.

That would seem to imply that racists Democrats, as opposed to most people who vote Democrat, believe that condemning anything a Black person says is racists.

But that's not the case. After all those same racists Democrats viciously condemn any Black who dares dissent from the white leftists agenda. When Justice Thomas, Kanye, Candice Owens, Ben Carson, or any other Black dares utter a belief that isn't in lock step with that of the racists whites who run the Democrat party white leftists have no problem declaring those Blacks to not be authentically Black.

That's right the definition of what it means to be Black for racists Democrats is that Blacks must know their place and support white leftists no matter what.

Blacks who are tired of thousands of Blacks being shot in Democrat run Chiraq each year are told by racist Democrats that they aren't really Black.

Blacks who are tired of their children not being able to get a decent education and who want school choice are "racists" for daring to disagree with white racist Democrats.

Democrats say things about conservative Blacks that would cause CNN to spend 24/7 condemning a conservative who said the same thing about a Black. Yet CNN and the rest of the #FakeNews media applaud those vicious attacks on Blacks.

The reality is that Democrat policies are racist to the core; designed to keep Blacks poorly educated and unsafe so that they'll buy Democrat lies.

But by hiding behind Blacks and declaring that anyone who disagrees with the Blacks who stay on the Democrats intellectual plantation Democrats can manage to keep a significant chunk of Democrat voters from ever actually thinking about Democrat policies.

That's critical because only lazy takers support Democrat policies when they examine them because Democrat policies are uniformly bad for hard working Americans.

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