Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reparations: Make Africans pay

Almost all slaves who were imported to American were enslaved by Black Africans and sold to white people.

Clearly then without the cooperation of those Black Africans the American slavery culture would haven't occurred.

Hence it's the Black Africans that put their fellow Blacks up for sale that should be paying any reparations.

That's absurd of course because the descendants of those Africans who sold Blacks into slavery would never do such a thing and it's ridiculous to expect them to pay for the sins of their great great great great grandparents.

But it's equally absurd to say that all Americans, including Blacks, should pay more taxes to compensate Blacks for something that didn't happen to them.

What's interesting though is that every group that Democrats push for reparations for suffered due to Democrat policies:

1) Democrats fought a civil war to keep slavery legal
2) Democrats put Japanese Americans in prison camps during WWII
3) The founder of the Democrat party, Andrew Jackson, treated Native Americans horribly

1 comment:

EdieT said...

Yes amen exactly why Marcus Garvies exodus to Africa was a failure. Recently saw a ‘black centric’ historian claiming Ancient Egypt was ruled by Negroids but not mentioning it was a slave based economy