Thursday, July 11, 2019

Socialized medicine, what the Democrats want, doesn't work

According to the Daily Mail in England 4.4 million people are waiting for routine surgeries.

Given that the population of England is roughly 55 million that means that 8% of the people in England are waiting for necessary but routine surgery.

England is held up as an example by the radical leftists Democrat politicians who want to put us all on government controlled healthcare. Of course in England if you have enough money you can go to a private doctor and not have to wait.  That's why the Democrats don't care because they won't be impacted.

Remember when Obamacare was passed by the Democrats it specifically didn't apply to politicians.  This is nothing new.  Back before the Republicans took over the House and Senate under Clinton the Democrat politicians had exempted themselves from all sorts of laws that they imposed on we the people.

In fact the very first item in Gingrich's Contract with America was that any laws imposed by Congress on the American people would also be imposed on members of Congress. That's because after controlling the House for 40 consecutive years the Democrats were very comfortable ruling we the people rather than representing us.

This is important to remember because it explains why Democrat politicians are so eager to pass something that is bad for we the people. The answer is that they know that we'll suffer but they won't.

Democrat politicians want to rule you and if they get complete control over your health care they'll effectively be able to threaten your life.  People who are in ill health because of their massively promiscuous sex lives will be given full care but people who are overweight will be denied care.  Whether you live or die will depend on how subservient you are to your Democrat overlords.

That's why they want the government to control healthcare because they control the government which means they will control you.

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