Monday, July 15, 2019

Trump's right; Omar should go home

The American people rescued Democrat Ilhan Omar from a refugee camp in Kenya, which she would probably call--if it was in the US--a concentration camp, because her people had made her homeland, Somalia, into a hell hole.

But instead of showing any sort of gratitude to America Omar is working hard to convert the US into a tribal tyranny just like Somalia.

It's one thing to try and improve America it's quite another to support throwing out the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments and to declare that anyone who can get to the US border is entitled to citizenship and welfare for life.

Omar hates America, she hates Jews, and in all likelihood given that she touts her Islamic faith by wearing attire that demonstrates the inferiority of women she's probably not a big fan of Christians.

She hasn't come to America to be an American.  Her mission is to make America into Somalia but with less violence.

Trump wasn't suggesting that she be deported.  He was just pointing out that she clearly isn't interested in becoming an American.

Pope Francis has said that immigrants have an obligation to adopt the culture of the country they go to and Omar is clearly not following his advice.  Not because she wears Muslim attire but because she clearly hates the Constitution.

Hence since she's not trying to become American but to convert America into her homeland suggesting she voluntarily go to Somalia makes sense.

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