Monday, July 29, 2019

Trump moves to protect American workers from predatory Chinese policies

The World Trade Organization(WTO) is an international body that works to ensure fair trade practices between countries.

You may have heard of Boeing taking European airline manufacturer Airbus to the WTO because of the unfair government subsidies Airbus received.

The rules that are applied to define what is and isn't fair trade depends upon the status of a country.  For example some poverty stricken pre-industrial country in Africa can get away with more than say the US.  For example "developing" countries can subsidize its exports more than a developed country can.

It turns out that each country gets to decide if its own status.  As a result economic powerhouses like China, South Korea, and Singapore are considered to be "developing" countries by the WTO.

While South Korea and Singapore don't appear to be weaponizing their advantage with the WTO to hurt the US China certainly is.

That's why Trump declaring that the US will take steps to end this abuse is a good thing for American workers.  The simple reality is that with Chinese tariffs being 4 times higher than American tariffs the US has been in a trade war with China for decades and we've been losing.  High quality American jobs were transferred over to China, a country that forces women to have abortions and uses political prisoners as unwilling organ donors, and the 1% got richer because they can exploit underpaid Chinese workers.

Trump wants to change that but Democrats who are big fans of the 1% are attacking him for it.  Democrat politicians don't care if decent middle class Americans can't get jobs because Democrats want all of us to be dependent on the government so they rejoice when unemployment is high.

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