Sunday, July 28, 2019

Democrats shocked when Trump strikes back

Having been spoiled by decades of Republicans who were too spineless to stand toe to toe with Democrat lies Democrats are shocked and appalled that Trump is daring to point out that it's the Democrats who are the monsters.

For decades Democrats have called conservatives racists, Nazis, homophobes, and mass killers.  Those who would be our rulers in the Democrat party, academia, and the #FakeNews media have all told us that that was perfectly reasonable.

Yet now in the course of a week those same "elites" are telling us that Trump saying that antiAmerican Democrats should go back to their home countries, fix the problems there and then RETURN to the US and Trump saying that Democrat run Baltimore is a disaster which hurts Blacks the most are racist and beyond the pale.

First note that Trump didn't suggest deporting the Squad--unlike two Squad members who have said that Trump should be deported-- he suggested that they go back to the countries they came from and show that they can fix problems and then come back to America to fix our problems.  Trump in no way shape or form indicated that those American hating people should be forced to leave America or prevented to returning from America.  That's all lies.

Second Baltimore is a disaster as are pretty much all other large cities run by Democrats.  Baltimore does have a huge crime problem, a huge rat problem, and a huge problem with a lack of jobs, poor schools, and safety for Black residents.  Democrats can't deny those facts so they attack Trump for pointing out that Democrats like Elijah Cummings--who's a millionaire--hasn't done anything to help fix those problems his constituents face.  Instead Cummings has worked hard to push the white leftists agenda.

Generally speaking Blacks have rejected the idea of redefining marriage to include same sex couples. In California when we the people were allowed to vote on the matter around 70% of Blacks voted against redefining marriage.  Yet Cummings has expressed support and voted for changing the millennia old tradition.

On the other hand Cummings has done nothing to improve the lot of his constituents.

But because Democrats are doomed if Black people realize that the entire #FakeNews media establishment is trying to get everyone to fixate on how Trump calling out a Democrat politician for failing his constituents but doing yeoman's work for the white leftist establishment must be racist.

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