Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The left says be proud if you're a massively promiscuous gay but be ashamed if you're an American

While the left is eagerly working to convince us that America is evil and repugnant they're also working hard to tell us that the gay lifestyle is wonderful.

For a month we've had the celebration of the hedonistic lifestyle of gays.  Gay pride is like adulterer's pride; both are bogus.

Now people who suffer from same sex attraction can be good people who have done things they can be proud about but that's in spite of their sex addiction not because of it.

God loves everyone, including gays, but when gays have hundreds of sexual partners over their lifetime they're not just a gender variation on heterosexuals who make babies.

We have to convict anyone who attacks gays because they're gay but it's time we stop lying about the gay lifestyle.

Take child molestation.  We've all heard the attacks on the Catholic Church because 4% of priests have been accused of molestation.  But the fact that 80% of the accused priests are gay, they preyed on post pubescent teenage boys, is never mentioned.

Similarly over all 39% of teenage victims of child molestation are boys but only 8% of the predators are women. Which means the 3% of men in America who have sex with other men are disproportionately responsible for child molestation.  But that doesn't mean we should blame all gays but it's time we stop lying about the nature of the gay lifestyle.

Oh and for years an organization that advocated sex with 3 year old boys was allowed to march in the SF and LA gay pride parades.

From a scientific sense gays can't have sex because sex involves producing a new human being with unique DNA; gays simply masturbate together.  This doesn't mean that they can't love another man but the reality is that long term monogamous gay relationships are rare.  It's usually about the sex.  Gay activists will admit that the longer a gay relationship lasts the less monogamous it is. Monogomy beyond 5 years is a huge anomaly.

We know that a large fraction of gays are sex addicts since when AIDS first appeared gays fought hard to keep the bathhouses in SF open even though they knew the massively promiscuous sex that went on there was killing them.  They risked death rather than stop having casual sex.

The term gay was coined as a bit of mockery. Gays are generally not that happy and it's not because they're persecuted it's because they've chosen a lifestyle that is based on the objectification of others as sex objects to be used rather than as people to be loved; just as promiscuous straights have.

Love makes us happy;sex is like heroin, it makes us feel good until it wears off.

This is the modern Democrat party working hard to glorify casual promiscuous sex and condemning patriotism.

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