Saturday, July 27, 2019

Democrats are committed to the big lie: Mueller edition

Mueller was given an unlimited budget, two years, and he produced a massive report in which he definitively stated that there was no evidence for collusion and that he couldn't make a case for obstruction--not surprising in that it's impossible to obstruct an investigation into something that never happened.

Yet the #FakeNews media and Democrat politicians continue to declare that not only did Trump rig the election by colluding with Russia he obstructed justice in spite of the fact that he didn't stop Mueller and provided all the materials that Mueller wanted.

The simple truth is that Democrat politicians are concerned with one and only one thing; more power for themselves over we the people. Democrat politicians want to force us to change our religious beliefs, to endorse their hedonism, and to live and they tell us to live.

Any lie or delusion that can be used to increase the power of the mostly white Democrat politicians over we the people will be declared to be true by Democrat politicians and the #FakeNews media.

That's why Democrats are fine with declaring that men can get pregnant.  That belief makes flat earthers and people who say the sun orbits the earth look rational.

Essentially what the Democrats are doing is saying "we think Trump colluded and obstructed so it is true until Trump can convince us that it's not".

Imagine if someone declared that you were a child molester and treated you as guilty until you could prove that you weren't.  It would be horrible since proving that you never did something is exceedingly difficult if not impossible.

But that's what the Democrats are doing with Trump.  They declare that he colluded even though they don't have a shred of evidence to support their claim and they then demand that he prove them wrong.

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