Monday, October 29, 2018

Why #FakeNews outlets are the enemy of the people

Trump is drawing heat from leftists and the Never Trump "conservatives" for saying that the #FakeNews media are the enemy of the people but Trump is 100% correct.

We know that large parts of the major media regularly distort their reporting to advance their political agenda.  Just the other day we discovered that days before Kavanaugh was confirmed NBC had news that would have drastically reduced the already low credibility of Swetnick's claims that she'd seen Kavanaugh at rape parties and decided it wasn't newsworthy.

Then of course there's the on-going Republican talk causes violence theme that's shared by the #FakeNews media.  Even though no Republican, including Trump, is in any way advocating violence they're all, according to the #FakeNews media, responsible for it because of their political positions.

It's clear that that story line is a deliberate lie given that we have real live Democrats, like Maxine Waters, calling for mobs to chase Republicans out of public spaces and lots of leftists in the media making excuses for Antifa violence.

Hence we know that a significant part of the mass media is lying to the American people in order to fool the American people into supporting their agenda.

That makes those media outlets enemies of the people.

Hitler's propagandist Joseph Goebbels was an enemy of the German people because his lies helps lead them to support evil policies. Similarly the Soviet newspaper Pravda was an enemy of the Soviet people because it lied to them day in and day out.

The value of a free press is that it provides the people with the truth so that they can exercise their God given power intelligently.  Remember in America we believe that political power flows from the people and that politicians are representatives not rulers.

But a press that covers up or forgives corroborated accusations of rape against Bill Clinton while declaring Kavanaugh guilty based on accounts with no credibility is nothing more than a propaganda machine for the Democrat party.

If someone you consider a friend and hence trustworthy repeatedly lies to you about very important things which result in you suffering greatly you will no longer consider them a friend but rather an enemy who is interested in hurting you.

That's the situation in America today.  The Washington Post is right; Democracy does die in darkness and it's the #FakeNews media who are turning out the lights by spreading dark lies and doing all they can to make sure that the people don't have the truth.  That makes the media outlets that lie to the people the enemy of the people.

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