Thursday, October 25, 2018

A Democrat dog whistle

Leftists are constantly saying that Republicans are secretly sending out messages to their followers expressing their racist beliefs.

The left calls these dog whistles--because only Republicans can hear them.

The problem is that what Democrats refer to as dog whistles do not in fact have any hidden meaning. The most absurd example of this was the claims that making a circle shape by touching a finger to a thumb was a white power dog whistle.

We know it's absurd because everybody uses that gesture to signify ok and given that there are photos of Oprah using the gesture with two hands and Bill Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, and Hillary making the gesture with one hand.

But now we have a real example of a dog whistle; Hillary Clinton's call for incivility until the Democrats regain power.

To normal people incivility means being rude but the incivility that Hillary is referring to includes mobs targeting Republicans, attempted assassinations of Republicans like Steve Scalise and Rudy Peters, violence against Republican property, and fantasies about Trump being assassinated the real message that she's pushing is that the violence won't stop unless the people give the Democrats power.

This is no surprise given that the Democrats have been tweeting about assassinating Trump since he won as well as quietly accepting the use of violence by Antifa to silence conservative voices.

The Democrat party is going back to it's roots, remember the Democrats founded the KKK and used violence against Blacks in the South for decades, and using violence to win what it can't win at the ballot box.

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