Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Believe all women; a continuation of the Democrat party's racism

The founder of the Democrat party, Andrew Jackson, was a racist slave owner who mistreated native Americans.

The Democrats fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal.

The Democrats founded the KKK

The Democrats wrote all the Jim Crow laws that discriminated against Blacks in the South

The Democrats stood at the door of schools to prevent integration

The Democrats passed a welfare program that they knew would destroy the Black family and defended it even as they saw the havoc it was creating.

The Democrats who run the cities where thousands of Blacks are shot each year do nothing

The Democrats oppose improving the quality of education available to Blacks saying that doing so is racist

The Democrats extoll Planned Parenthood even though PP targets Black women and in spite of the fact that Black women are 3 times more likely to abort than white women.

The Democrats are eager to release drug dealers back on the streets of poor Black neighborhoods

Based on all of this it's clear that the Democrat party has been and still is the party of racism.

Which is why it makes sense to point out that the believe all women concept was started in the Democrat run South. If a white woman said that a Black man had raped her nothing more was needed.  Of course if a Black woman said a white man had raped her it would have been ignored just as Juanita Broderick's accusation against Bill Clinton was ignored.

The Democrats say we should believe Ford's claims even though she's lied to Congress about being afraid to fly and all of the witnesses she cited, including a life long friend of hers, have denied her claims.  At the same time they defend Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

Just like the racist "believe all white women" the Democrats pushed as part of their racist policies in the past the new "believe all Democrat women" the Democrats are pushing now is not support for women who have been assaulted but an attempt to destroy people they don't like.

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