Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Democrat liar Kyrsten Sinema's real views

Project Veritas has released under cover video of Sinema and her staff talking candidly.

Sinema for example says that Arizonan voters "will actually shoot you" if you support gun bans.  She's basically saying that the people she supposedly wants to represent are murderous lunatics but she hasn't felt the need to mention that in any of her public speeches; i.e. she's lying to the voters of Arizona to get elected.

Her campaign manager told the reporters that Sinema would support an assault gun ban however so either the staffer is lying or Sinema is lying to Arizonan voters about that too.

Another staffer told the reporters that Sinema hides her progressivism from voters and that in fact Sinema is super pro-choice and very liberal.

Yet another staffer said that since a Senate term is 6 years long Sinema could be uber leftist most of the time and only have to pretend to be moderate around election time.

The simple reality is that if Sinema ran on what she really believes she'd be 20 points behind in her race for the Senate.

Leftism can't win outside of LA, SF, DC, and NYC because leftist policies hurt the vast majority of Americans and transfer power to a small ruling elite in DC.  Hence only by lying can they win elections.

Average Americans want to be able to own guns to protect themselves or for hunting but Democrats oppose that even as Democrats push for letting criminals who had guns when they committed crimes out of jail early.

Average Americans don't want everyone who can sneak across the border to have a path to citizenship like Sinema does, her only exception are those who have committed a "bad crime"--it'd be interesting to know what Sinema thinks are not bad crimes, DUI?

If you want the truth vote Republican in November.

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