Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The dishonesty of the left

I'm currently engaging in a discussion with a leftist on Facebook.  What's interesting is that he's telling me that Antifa isn't radical and that it doesn't support violence.  He does admit that there are some radical members of Antifa however.

I went to Wikipedia, which tends to lean left due to the nature of modern leftists, where it states:

The principal feature of antifa groups is their use of direct action,[10] harassing those whom they deem to be fascists, racists and right wing extremists.[11] Conflicts are both online and in real life.[11]
They engage in varied protest tactics, which include digital activism [12] property damage and physical violence.[7][13][14][15] They tend to be anti-capitalist[16] and they are predominantly far-leftand militant left,[17][10] which includes anarchistscommunists and socialists.[18][19][20][21] Their stated focus is on fighting far-right and white supremacist ideologies directly, rather than politically.[10]

The leftist I'm conversing with is either being dishonest or is so completely ignorant of how Antifa behaves that he can honestly believe they don't support violence.
Sadly I think dishonesty is the answer because he also says that it's obvious that Trump is a racist. When I asked him to give me examples he talked about Charlottesville.
I pointed out to him that Trump's initial statement was based on the news reports which had said that in addition to the white racists there were a number of people who just didn't want the statues taken down.  When it turned out that there were few of that group present Trump amended his statement.
Instead of discussing that the leftist just hurled personal insults at me.
The best way to fight these lies is to proclaim the truth.  We don't need to respond to leftist violence with violence but we do need to respond to their lies with the truth so that voters won't be fooled by the #FakeNews lies.

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