Saturday, October 20, 2018

Antifa the new fascists

Given the abysmal level of public education in America today few people know that both of the left wing parties in post WWI Germany, the communists and the nazis, used groups of armed thugs to silence voices they didn't like just like Antifa does today.

Additionally the #FakeNews media continually lies about or covers for Antifa. We're told that violence against fascists is ok.  Of course the same left wing "reporters" and Democrat politicians who say that would start frothing at the mouth, and correctly so, if conservatives began using violence against communists, who are fascists at heart.

The whole purpose of the First Amendment was to ensure that Americans could say whatever they liked about political issues.  No matter how stupid, evil, or boring they are so long as they don't advocate criminal activity they can speak.  So it's ok for the Democrat founded KKK to say that Blacks are inferior but it's not ok for them to call for violence against Blacks. Similarly Democrat antisemites like Luis Farrakhan can call Jews termites but they can't advocate murdering Jews.

To oppose free speech is to embrace dictatorial fascism where the elites control what can and can't be said--sorta like the internet censorship the billionaires in Silicon Valley are imposing on America.

Hence Antifa is by it's very mission statement fascist since it exists to use violence to silence voices it doesn't like.  Since none of the left wing positions supported by Antifa can win in a free marketplace of ideas Antifa must shut down free speech through violence and the threat of violence in order to have any chance of imposing its odious ideology on America.

Remember that both Nazis and Communists are left wing groups which embrace the idea that a small elite should rule the people.  The real Right wing opposite of those left wing fascists are libertarians.  A rational political spectrum would run from libertarians on the right who believe in no government to Nazis and Communists on the left who support a dictatorial regime where power flows not from the people but from the government.

Therefore there is no contradiction between the fact that Antifa espouses left wing ideology and the fact that it's a fascist organization.

Given that Democrats are defending Antifa it's clear that as Scott Adams has pointed out a win by the Democrats will give us mobs.

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