Wednesday, October 17, 2018

George Lopez; more leftist violence that proves their hypocrisy

Leftists "comedian" George Lopez physically assaulted a conservative man who was heckling him at a restaurant.

The man was shouting "MAGA" and was insulting Lopez.  Lopez snatched the man's phone and grabbed him by the neck.

This is clear proof of the violent nature of leftists and their hypocrisy.

With Maxine Waters, Corey Booker, and other Democrats urging their followers to harass and drive Republicans out of public places, like restaurants, Lopez has no grounds for being bothered if one lone Trump supporter did to him what many leftists have done to numerous Republicans.

Yet he thought it was wrong thereby showing the basic leftists hypocrisy; we all know that if people did to Waters what she says leftists should do, and have done, to Republicans she'd scream bloody murder.  Just as George Lopez who hasn't, to my knowledge, condemned how leftist mobs have treated Republicans in public places felt justified in resorting to violence to stop a single Trump supporter from heckling him.

Leftists condemn their own tactics when they're directed back at them just as they believe that laws only apply to Republicans not to Democrats.

Most conservatives would say that the heckler shouldn't have done what he did where he did it; after all we don't really want to extend politics to every aspect of our lives.

But some would say that it's necessary to fight fire with fire. Their reasoning is sound in that if the left can use mobs to force Republicans to leave restaurants and not suffer any consequences then the left, lacking much in the way of a moral compass, will likely continue to do so.  On the other hand if the advocates of violence, like Waters, suddenly found that they couldn't eat out without a mob harassing them they might rethink the call to violence they've issued to their followers.

It's important to note a key distinction; when Republicans like Ted Cruz have been harassed by Democrats they haven't used violence against the Democrat mob.  But Lopez did.

That's important because in a world where the attempted murder of Republican Scalise by a Democrat was in the news cycle for only 2 days and the attempted murder of a Republican Congressional candidate in California by a Democrat barely made the news it's clear that Democrats are more supportive of violence than at anytime since the 1960's when they were all for violence against Blacks in the South.

Antifa is a left wing group that is fascist in nature and which eagerly uses violence to silence voices it doesn't like.  Yet Democrats and the media continue to either defend Antifa or issue only mild rebukes.

When the Democrats are basically tolerating the equivalent of Hitler's Brown shirts who took to the street to attack those who opposed Hitlers rise to power, when Democrats are trying to murder Republicans, when Democrats are calling for mob violence against Republicans, it's time to call them out for the monsters that they are.

The typical Democrat voter doesn't support that violence but the Democrat base and the politicians do; heck even Hillary Clinton is sounding like the leader of a protection racket when she says that Democrats won't be civil, i.e. won't stop using violence against Republicans, unless Democrats win the next election.

We have a chance to say no to violence by voting against every Democrat in the November election.  No matter what those Democrats say while campaigning, and I know of none who are actually condemning the mob violence, they will vote in lock step with Pelosi and Schumer once they're elected. That's how Democrats work; their first loyalty is to their party not their constituents.

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