Monday, December 16, 2019

The New York Times hates you: You're snakes and vermin

Tom Edsall wrote the following in the NYT on December 11 2019:

[Donald] Trump’s genius in 2016 lay in his willingness — indeed, his eagerness — to openly and aggressively unleash the forces of racial and ethnic hostility that Republican elites had quietly capitalized upon for decades. Trump will be a formidable candidate next year because he is prepared to look under the rocks of the American belief system and see the snakes and vermin that have camped there in the dark.

To Edsall the fact that Blacks are being seriously impacted by millions of illegal immigrants who can work for less because they don't pay taxes isn't a problem; which makes him the racist not Trump.

Also it's interesting how leftist #FakeNews folk equate Trump's policy against all illegal immigrants no matter what their race or creed is with racism.  Trump wants to end illegal immigration from China, India, Poland, and Mexico but somehow that's racist.

If you want to know who's using ethnic hostility read this article about how Democrats managed to turn Hispanics from Whites to a minority. When I was growing up in the 1960s Hispanics were considered to be White just like Italians and Greeks.  But heavy lifting by the left has divided America by declaring that Hispanics are somehow different.

Democrats support dividing us on racial lines and pretend that putting Americans of all races ahead of illegal immigrants is somehow racist because they know that illegal immigrants will and do vote Democrat.

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