Schumer is doing so by his demand that the Democrats get a second chance to try Trump in the Senate; something that isn't in the Constitution.
As McConnell has pointed out if the Democrats had shown that Trump was guilty of anything they wouldn't be calling for new witnesses and effectively a new impeachment hearing in the Senate.
We know from history that Republicans will vote against their President if there is evidence of real criminal activity. When Nixon was being impeached the reason he resigned was that the Republicans in the Senate were going to vote against him.
We also know from history that like all good organized crime families Democrats will never ever vote against their President. It was an agreed to fact, even by Democrats, that Bill Clinton had committed perjury, lied under oath, in order to protect himself from a #MeToo lawsuit that arose from Clinton exposing himself and demanding sex from an Arkansas government employee. But the Democrats still voted against convicting Clinton.
Perhaps Schumer is projecting; as a Democrat he knows that he would never follow his oath and would vote to clear any Democrat no matter how egregiously that Democrat had acted so Schumer is thinking that Republicans will do the same.
More likely he realizes that there is no evidence against Trump but by pretending the Republicans in the Senate are being dishonest he is trying to taint the 2020 election and set the grounds for another impeachment attempt should the Democrats manage to retain control of the House.
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