Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Dishonest Democrat Jerry Nadler says that Trump exercising his Constitutional rights is a crime

In America we have 3 coequal branches of government.  As such each branch has powers and the right to defend those powers against attempts by another branch to remove or limit those powers.

But Democrats are saying that because Trump refused to waive the rights of the Presidency he was obstructing Congress.

By that reasoning Obama should have been impeached many times over for his slow rolling of responses, and his refusal in some cases of supplying data Congress ask for, to Congressional requests in the hope of running out the clock so that the crimes of his administration wouldn't be revealed.

What makes this accusation even more brazen is that through out this coup attempt Democrats have refused to allow Trump to defend himself.

Democrats denied Trump the ability to question the witnesses at Adam Schiff's Star Chamber inquisitions.  Yet supposedly it's wrong for Trump to go to the courts to exercise the right of the Presidency to not have to disclose internal workings to Congress. Note that if the Courts had ruled against him we have no reason to believe that Trump wouldn't have followed the courts rulings since he's followed even the most egregiously biased orders from courts in the past.

Essentially Democrats are going to impeach Trump for daring to defend himself against their attempted coup.

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