Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Illegal Immigrants are behind a murder epidemic

ICE  tried to detain illegal immigrants who are charged with 2,500 murders last year.

To put that in perspective according to the FBI a total of roughly 10,000 people were arrested for murder last year in the US.

Now to be clear it's not really fair to say that we know that 25% of US murders are by illegal immigrants because we don't know what fraction of murderers the police try to arrest; in many cases there isn't enough evidence to arrest anyone.

But if we assume that arrest warrants are issued for the same fraction of illegal immigrant murderers as for US citizen murders then these numbers are telling us that illegal immigrants are much more likely to commit murder than US citizens.

The highest estimate of the number of illegal immigrants in the US is around 22,000,000 and the US population is around 330,000,000 so that puts illegal immigrants at about 7% of the US population.  Hence if illegals murdered at the same rate as citizens and were charged with murder at the same rate as US citizens we'd expect that of the 10,000 people arrested for murder in the US that about 666 of them would be illegal immigrants.

Hence keeping in mind the assumptions that are being made illegal immigrants are wanted by the police for murder at roughly 3.7 times the rate US citizens are.

Given that every illegal immigrant has demonstrated a willingness to break the law for personal gain by entering the country illegally it's probably not surprising that a higher fraction of them are criminals.

Remember that today there are around 1,300,000 honest Mexicans, and hundreds of thousands of honest residents of other Central American countries, who are patiently waiting to enter the US legally.  Which also means that illegal immigrants are more likely to be criminals than the average person from the country they come from is.

Yet Democrats want to give all illegal immigrants citizenship, free medical care--at your expense of course--, and the right to vote.

Even worse Democrats want to make sure that illegal immigrants get to stay in the US no matter what crimes they commit. That's what sanctuary cities are about. The only sanctuary that sanctuary cities and states provide is for illegal immigrants who have been arrested.  "Honest" illegal immigrants who don't commit further crimes in the US aren't arrested and hence sanctuary policies that keep ICE from deporting illegals who have been arrested don't help them. But those policies do help illegal immigrants who are preying on Americans and other illegal immigrants.

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