Monday, December 23, 2019

Did Pete Buttigieg say he's for sale?

A key Buttigieg fundraiser sent out the following email to some prospective donors:

"What they’re saying: “If you want to get on the campaign’s radar now before he is flooded with donations after winning Iowa and New Hampshire, you can use the link below for donations,” the fundraiser, H.K. Park, wrote in an email to the donor, which was reviewed by Axios.
  • The Buttigieg campaign lists Park on its website as one of its top fundraisers — those who have raised at least $25,000 for the campaign."
At least one of the recipients thought that getting on Buttigieg's radar was indicative of Buttigieg being for sale; contribute early and he'll listen to you when he's President. That donor was bothered enough to make the email public.

The Buttigieg campaign said that Mayor Pete didn't write those words and that of course he's not for sale.  But then we know that Mayor Pete has been changing his positions based on the polls which means he's either dishonest, he'll change his positions if elected, or he has no moral compass, he'll do and say whatever it takes to get elected since he doesn't actually support anything other than getting more power for himself.

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