Sunday, December 29, 2019

Joe Biden wants church goers to die(a slight exaggeration)

The recent shooting in a church in Texas ended within seconds because at least 4 parishioners had guns.

If Joe Biden had his way the only person in the church with a gun would have been the shooter. When  Texas passed a law that allowed licensed gun owners to carry their weapons in churches Biden said:

"With all due respect to the governor of Texas," Biden began, "it is irrational what they're doing. On the very day you see a mass shooting ... and we're talking about loosening access to have guns, to be able to take them into places of worship ... I mean it's just absolutely irrational. It's totally irrational."
As we've seen from previous mass shootings if the killer hadn't been shot dead within seconds a lot more people would have died or been seriously injured.  Thanks to at least 4 people who were armed and who responded only 2 people, other than the shooter, were killed.

But if Joe Biden had had his way the people in that church would have been defenseless unless they hired armed security guards, a rather high cost for a small church.

But that's how Democrats think. It's the church goers who are the risk not the nuts and criminals who bring guns into the church illegally.

It's part of Democrats magic thoughts that someone saying that guns aren't allowed here or there means that insane people or people who have no problem murdering others will voluntarily obey those restrictions.

But the reality is that even insane people aren't stupid. The shooter who killed 22 people in an El Paso Walmart store in August 2019 wrote:

Remember: it is not cowardly to pick low hanging fruit. AKA (sic) Don’t attack heavily guarded areas to fulfll (sic) your super soldier COD [Call of Duty first person shooter video game] fantasy. Attack low security targets. Even though you might out gun a security guard or police man, they likely beat you in armor, training and numbers. Do not throw away your life on an unnecessarily dangerous target. If a target seems too hot, live to fight another day.

Even the scum who expect to die or even want to die want to kill a bunch of innocent people first so they're interested in picking targets where it's unlikely they will be killed quickly.

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center 94% of mass public shootings--which excludes drug or gang violence as well as shootings on private property--occurred in gun free zones. Bloomberg's lap dogs at Everytown for Gun Safety have disputed details of some incidents but irrespective of the precise number the reality is that gun free zones only prohibit people who follow the law from having a gun; criminals and lunatics intent on mass murder won't be dissuaded by a gun free zone sign.

Clearly Joe Biden doesn't want people to be killed.  But his policies would result in people dying.

This isn't Joe's first problem on this issue. When a hero with an AR-15--which is not an assault rifle no matter how much leftists lie about it--ended another church shooting Biden said that the hero shouldn't have been allowed to have an AR-15.

To be fair pretty much every Democrat politician in America agrees with Joe on these issues which is why they should never ever have power over we the people.

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