Saturday, December 21, 2019

Trump's impeachment is purely political: Left was calling for impeachment before Trump did anything

April 17 2016: Politico headline "Could Trump Be Impeached Shortly After He Takes Office?"  Apparently law scholars, the ones that Nadler called to testify?, and political junkies--glad to see that the left identifies with drug addicts-- were talking about it.

January 20 2017: Washington Post headline "The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun" So the WaPo, voice of the Democrats, admitted that the Democrats were looking to impeach Trump for what must be purely political reasons since Trump hadn't done anything when this was published.

December 25 2018: CNBC headline "A potential Trump impeachment is a 'huge risk' for 2019, expert says. So on Christmas day before Trump long before the Ukraine call occurred the left was pushing impeachment.

Nancy Pelosi said that impeachment has been going on for two and a half years; which proves that impeachment is purely political since nothing the Democrats charged Trump with had happened yet back then.

The simple reality is that the Democrats have refused to accept that we the people get to pick who is President. They "know" in their hearts that we're too stupid to have that sort of power which means that they are authorized to do anything in order to undo our "mistake".

Impeachment is supposed to be about a President who commits crimes, like Bill Clinton lying under oath to avoid losing a #MeToo lawsuit because he sexually harassed women who worked for him, not just because the party that is in charge of the House doesn't like the President.

This is the first impeachment in the history of America where the charges didn't include any crimes.

This is the first impeachment that was supported only by one party with those who were opposed containing members of both parties.

This impeachment is the Democrat party coming out for fascism and against democracy; in their minds elections only count if they win.

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