Thursday, December 26, 2019

If Pelosi really believes that Trump is a security risk why is she stalling impeachment?

Jerry Nadler said that Trump "will remain a threat to national security and the Constitution" if the 2016 election isn't nullified and we the people retain the right to decide who we have as President.

Pelosi hasn't said that she thinks Nadler is wrong but she's suddenly slow rolling the whole impeachment effort.

Clearly none of the Democrats who told us why they had to rush the impeachment process believed what they were saying.

But that's nothing new.

The entire impeachment process has been Democrats switching from one baseless claim to another hoping to find something, anything, that would convince voters that Trump is a bad man.

First it was Russia; which Mueller shot down.
Then it was quid pro quo; which no one cared about
Then their polling said they should go with bribery; but they couldn't produce any evidence

Finally they were forced to, for the first time in history, impeach a President without being able to show he'd committed any crime.

In doing so they ignored the Constitution which is clear; to impeach there must be a crime.

But of course Democrats ignore the Constitution all the time so this is nothing new.

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