But the numbers don't support that. First the Human Rights Campaign, hardly a bastion of conservatism, says that the every year about 26 trans gendered people are murdered. The trend seems to be going down but there is certainly no sign of an increase since 2017.
According to LBGTQ activists about 3% of Americans are transgendered; the real number is more like 0.6%. Which means that there are 327,167,434 * 0.03 = 9,815,023 or 327,167,424 * 0.006 = 1,963,004 transgendered people in America.
The murder rate in the US is 1.48 per 100,000 people. Which means that if transgendered people are being murdered at the same rate as all other Americans there should be 145/29 transgendered people murdered each year.
So if we believe the LBGTQ estimate then not only isn't there an epidemic of transgender murders but in fact transgendered people are far less likely to be murdered than average Americans.
But given that the 0.6% number is more likely true it means that transgendered people are being murdered at pretty much the rate you'd expect them to be.
This makes sense since a study of 118 murders of transgendered individuals by a member of the LGBTQ community showed that only 4 were due to hatred of transgendered people. That puts the fraction of transgendered murders due to hate at 3%. The rest were due to a variety of issues that had nothing to do with the fact the individual was transgendered.
That means that of the 26 or so transgendered people murdered each year roughly 0.8 were due to hatred.
If less than one death a year in a country of over 300 million people is due to hate of transgendered people that's hardly an epidemic.
However by lying to the world about this the people who are pushing this fake news are genuinely scaring transgendered people and lowering the quality of their lives. Which in turn is clear evidence that the real agenda isn't helping the transgendered but rather using the transgendered to attack institutions like women's sports that leftists don't like.
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