Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Does Joe Biden want his son, Hunter, in prison?

In a rant about how not living in dark caves will result in the destruction of the world Joe Biden said:

“We have to set sort of guide rails down now, so between the years 2021 and 2030, it’s irreversible – the path we set ourselves on. And one of which is doing away with any substance for fossil fuels – number one,” Biden said.

“Number two, holding them liable for what they have done,” he said of fossil fuel executives, “particularly in those cases where your underserved neighborhoods and – you know the deal, okay. And by the way, when they don’t want to deliver, put them in jail. I’m not joking about this.”

Given that now even Joe Biden admits that he knows that his son Hunter worked for Ukraine energy giant Burisma is Joe calling for Hunter to be sent to jail?

To be fair it's not obvious what Joe is saying energy executives should be imprisoned for but then he's often fairly incoherent so we can't be sure.

But it's safe to say that if Trump did what Joe just did the media would be asking if Trump Jr. belonged in jail.

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