This however creates a lot of problems for Comey.
There are three options; the head of the FBI lied about how the FBI got the FISA warrants, the head of the FBI didn't keep close tabs on the most Constitutionally significant investigation in the history of the United States, or the head of the FBI picked subordinates who lied to him every step of the way.
There is no way a competent or honest Comey could have not known that the FISA warrants were based entirely on the Russian rumors that Hillary Clinton paid British citizen Steele to collect from anonymous Russian sources.
So after years of pontificating about how good he was and how horrible Trump was Comey has effectively admitted that either he's totally corrupt or he was completely incompetent.
What sort of FBI leader lets the FBI investigate the Presidential campaign of his bosses political opponents without micro managing it to death. A Democrat President using the NSA to spy on a Republican Presidential candidate is the sort of fascist horror story that can bring down America. Hence if Comey was honest or competent he'd have ensured that there was enough evidence to justify such a potentially totalitarian investigation.
But now he's admitting that he didn't. He apparently thought that Obama's FBI spying on the Republican Presidential campaign was nothing special.
Comey's other actions tend to indicate that he's corrupt not stupid or incompetent.
He told Trump multiple times that he, Trump, wasn't under investigation. But when the #FakeNews media was saying that Trump was being investigated Comey refused to confirm what he'd told Trump until forced to under oath in front of Congress. That's hardly the action of an honest man.
He briefed Trump on the Steele dossier even though he knew it wasn't verified and that was the hook that the #FakeNews media needed to publish the dossier; prior to that even the #FakeNews wouldn't publish it because it was totally unverified.
And of course we now know that at some point the FBI knew that the dossier was trash because the interviewed Steele's main source who said it was all fiction. Yet after that point in time Comey denied knowing who paid for the dossier and he denied that it was proven to be false.
All together it's fairly clear that far from being the honest competent individual that everyone said he was Comey is either amazingly incompetent or amazingly fascist.
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