Monday, December 2, 2019

The Iran revolt is the biggest since the overthrow of the Shah according to the NYT

When the Arab Spring movement touched Egypt Obama and Democrats backed the radical Islamists who were very antiAmerican and antiChristian.

When the Arab Spring movement touched Iran Obama and the Democrats backed the radical Islamists who were very antiAmerican and who were very antiChristian who ran the country.

In the 2009 uprising only 72 people were killed by the Iranian government over a period of months.  Today in the new uprising hundreds of Iranians have been killed by their government in just four days.

The people are revolting in Iran because Donald Trump has said that he won't support the corrupt antiAmerican regime the way Obama did.  Trump's sanctions, which surrender weasel Europeans and Democrats oppose, are forcing the people of Iran to live with the consequences of their fascist rulers imperialistic and terrorist actions.

This is just one more example of how Democrats put foreign interests ahead of American interests. Democrats don't care that Iran is the major funder of terrorism or that Iran has killed Americans. 

It's unclear why Democrats are supporting the theocracy in Iran; perhaps it's because modern Democrat politicians natural support fascist regimes like those of Iran and China.

But the why doesn't matter. What matters is that if we elect Democrats in 2020 they will inevitably work not for us but for themselves and for foreign powers.

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