Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Our greatest hope and China's worst nightmare; protests move to the mainland from Hong Kong

The monsters who run China are deathly afraid of the people wing up to how they're being mistreated and demanding justice.

That's why it's a big deal that protesters in Southern China have taken to the streets to demand that a polluting crematorium not be built by their city.

In a country where Big Brother is real and people can lose the right to fly on a plane or lose their job for daring to speak out against the tyrants who are running China the idea of a mass public protests is amazing.

America always wins when people are free because free people are less likely to be for war and are more likely to have strong mutually enriching economic ties with the US.

It's no accident that the people of Hong Kong look to Trump, not American Democrats, for support.  Trump has stood up for freedom while Democrats, including Obama, have demonstrated an affinity for tyrannical regimes.

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