Rarely do the prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, thugs, illegal immigrants, gang members, or burglars who the protagonists come across during the story arc turn out to be the really bad guy.
The reason for that is simple; if the obvious character was the killer the story wouldn't be interesting.
The problem is that the left seems to have confused the fake "reality" constructed by murder mystery writers with reality.
That's why leftists think that it's equally likely that a church goer will suddenly pull their legally obtained hand gun and start shooting fellow parishioners as a mentally ill person with a history of violence and impulse control issues will walk into a church and start shooting people.
If pretty much everyone is equally likely to be a killer, except of course criminals and the insane who are never going to be violent in the left's "reality", then the best way to stop killing is to disarm everyone.
The real reality however is that the vast majority of Americans are amazingly honest and unlikely to misuse a gun if they happened to have one.
Leftists are whining about over incarceration in America. America has 716 people in prison for every 100,000 citizens. That's 0.7%. Which means in every church with say 100 people attending service odds are there will never be a shooter.
Of course that 0.7% number is way too high since not all criminals are violent. In fact only about 8% of people in prison are incarcerated for violent crimes. Now that's an under estimate because many violent people, gun toting drug dealers for example, were arrested for non-violent crimes, like drug dealing.
But if we use that 8% number then about 0.06% of Americans are violent criminals which means that the odds of a violent person being in any public group of people is very low.
Clearly the government should be encouraging people to carry guns so that in any public setting there would likely be several honest armed people if a shooter appeared.
But in leftist la la land the solution is to disarm only the people who wouldn't misuse their guns which of course leaves the criminals and lunatics free to murder bunches of people until the police show up.
While the police are generally brave as the saying goes "when you need help in seconds the police are just minutes away". There simply aren't enough police for them to always be within seconds of every place a crime could occur despite their best efforts.
As with most leftist positions denying reality is critical to the left's approach to "gun violence"; a term that they invented to try and switch the blame from evil and/or insane people to inanimate objects.
We can't let people who think that TV is reality run our country which is why voting for Democrats is almost always a horrible thing.
1 comment:
Bravo, Trinko - this is the essence of the Normal argument.
Therefore, unlikely to be accepted by the Woke.
But, true - very true.
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