Saturday, June 6, 2020

What justifies rioting? Apparently justice

There is no excuse for protests much less rioting about the death of George Floyd.

Riots are never justified and protests are only justified when the system isn't working.

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s protests were justified because the racist Democrats who ran the South were clearly oppressing Blacks.  The system was broken and so peaceful protests were justified.

But the current riots have no justification. The only systemic racism in America is in Democrat run cities but that's not what the "protesters" are protesting.  They're protesting something that isn't true; a war by cops on people of color.

Every year at least some person is wrongfully killed by the police.  Multiple studies have shown that it's no more likely that that those poor sods are Black than it is they are white.  In fact it turns out that Black cops are more likely to shoot Blacks than white cops are.

Yet there are no mass riots.  There are rarely even protests.

Why? Because in almost every case all of society, including us evil conservatives, condemn the cops action and call for justice.

Further justice is usually delivered.  Take the Floyd case.  Within hours the offending cops were fired and within a day or so the cop who is being held most responsible was charged with murder.

The system worked. The bad action of a single cop is being severely punished. So why protest?

What are they protesting? That the system worked; that a white cop who used unjustified force against a Black man was fired and is facing murder charges?  What do they want; a lynching?

There is no evidence that Floyd was targeted because he was Black and there is evidence that if he hadn't resisted arrest he'd be fine today.  That he resisted arrest doesn't justify what the cops did but it shows that if he'd not tried to resist those cops wouldn't have done anything to hurt him.

You want an example of when protests are necessary?  Look back at the peaceful protests that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. led when Democrat's in the South were persecuting Blacks.  Back then Democrats didn't mind using violence against Blacks, today they only support Blacks hurting other Blacks.

But even in that hotbed of Democrat racism Dr. King didn't support riots or violence.

Partially because, unlike modern Democrats, he cared about Black people.

The stores that have been looted and burned are mostly in Black neighborhoods.  It's Blacks who don't have auto parts stores, supermarkets, and other business to go to today.  The rich white leftists who bemoan systemic racism aren't bothered by riots and looting.

They are apparently not bothered by the suffering of Blacks either.

The mass riots sweeping America are about the fact that it was bad that Justice was served and that the system worked. That's to say the riots are about Antifa and a tiny minority of Blacks who rage against America not about anything real.

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