Monday, June 8, 2020

Black Lives Matter doesn't care about Black lives only about Democrat power

In a typical year cops kill about 100 Blacks a year.  They also kill several hundred whites each year.

The vast majority of cases are fully justified as self defense or protecting others; the Michael Brown shooting was such a case according to Eric Holder Obama's wingman.

Black Lives Matter(BLM) is protesting, rioting, and killing cops because of those 100 deaths a year.

It's a good thing to ensure that if anyone, including Blacks, is unlawfully killed by the police that the officers in question should be punished.

But it's also true that cops are a minuscule cause of Black deaths.

Each year about 390,000 Blacks are aborted.

Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as are white women.  Which means if we could get the Black abortion rate to be the same as the white abortion rate we'd save hundreds of thousands of Black lives.

It turns out that abortion is the leading cause of death for Blacks exceeding the other top 7, like heart disease and cancer, combined.

Yet BLM doesn't care about this huge racial disparity or about the hundreds of thousands of Blacks who are aborted each year.

Every year about 3000 Blacks are murdered dwarfing the number shot by police.  Most of those Blacks, about 92%,  are killed by other Blacks.

We all know this. Every year in Democrat run Chicago between 2 and 3 thousand Blacks are shot and hundreds are murdered. Same for other Democrat run cities.

Yet BLM doesn't care.  It doesn't protest and demand that the Democrats who have run Chicago for nearly 90 years do something.

We all know if nearly 3000 white people were shot in Chicago in even one year, not to mention year after year, there would be 10 cops on every corner until the shootings stopped.

When BLM says that Black lives matter its really saying that Blacks whose deaths can be exploited to further the Democrat party agenda matter.

Hundreds of Blacks murdered mostly by other Blacks in Chicago and BLM is silent.

Hundreds of thousands of Blacks aborted and BLM doesn't care.

One Black man is killed by 4 cops in Minneapolis, who are all already in jail and facing serious charges,  and BLM goes wild.

BLM is a stooge for the Democrats.  It's Democrat run cities where Blacks are slaughtered and George Floyd was killed by a cop working for a police Department run by Democrats.  Yet BLM doesn't attack Democrats.

No BLM attacks Trump and white people in general. Why?

Because Democrats need Blacks to believe that society wants to kill Blacks and only white Democrats keep Blacks safe.

The reality is that the opposite is true; a Black is least safe when Democrats run the city they live in.

So BLM is necessary to convince Blacks that their real enemy are Republicans not the Democrats who allow the slaughter of Blacks in Democrat run cities like Chicago.

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