Thursday, June 25, 2020

Ken Blackwell shows there is no systemic racism in cops killing innocent people

Multiple studies have shown that cops are no more likely to kill innocent Black people than they are to kill innocent white people.

He points out that Blacks are being slaughtered in America but mostly if not entirely in Democrat run cities like Chicago:

“The real systemic and deadly reality is that black men and women are being slaughtered in cities and communities of color across the country in numbers that can only be compared to war zones in Iraq and Syria,” said Blackwell, reflecting on a column he wrote with former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik regarding crime in Democrat-run cities, “Every single one of those cities have been run by Democrats, and in some cases, [for] as long as 40 years. [Kerik and I] just took exception to the fact that these mayors were passing the buck. These local officials were passing a buck.”

Year after year thousands of Blacks are shot in Chicago and the Democrats who have been running the city for 89 years do nothing to fix the problem.

Does anyone think that if thousands of whites were being shot each year in Chicago the Democrat rulers would do nothing?  Of course not there'd be a cop on every street corner with a machine gun.

He went on to point out that Black suffered far more from the George Floyd riots than they do from the police.

“Fifteen innocent civilians and two police officers were shot and killed,” Blackwell stated. “Hundreds of civilians brutally beaten, and more than 700 police officers were injured nationwide. Hundreds of millions of dollars of property have been destroyed as businesses and places for people to make money and raise their families in 42 states.”

Democrats shout "systemic racism" to make Blacks think that the fact that George Floyd was killed by a cop in a city run by Democrats in a state run by Democrats is somehow Trump's fault.

The only "systemic racism" in America is in the Democrat party which has always worked hard to keep Blacks poor, uneducated, and scared.

Here's a short list of racist Democrat policies:
  • The Democrat party was founded by a Southern slave owner who treated native Americans horribly
  • The Democrat party fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal
  • The Democrat party founded the KKK
  • The Democrat party passed all the Jim Crow laws that kept Blacks in the back of the bus
  • The Democrat party instituted segregated schools
  • The Democrat party kept the military segregated
  • The Democrat party supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 much less than the Republican party did
  • The Democrat party created a welfare system that they had every reason to believe would hurt Blacks
  • The Democrat party did nothing to fix the problems their welfare system was creating for Blacks
  • The Democrat party ignores the thousands of Blacks shot in Democrat run cities each year
  • The Democrat party says that letting Black kids go to good schools is "racist"
  • The Democrat party has no problem with Black women being 3 times as likely to abort as white women
  • The Democrat party treats any Black who disagrees with them--Kanye, Ben Carson, Candice Owens, Justice Thomas for example--horribly calling them names
  • The Democrat party's Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has said that Blacks who don't vote for him aren't really Black

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