Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Supreme Court hates you and views you as serfs

One of the reasons invoked by the Supreme Court to declare that Obama's unconstitutional DACA--which is nothing less than the executive branch unilaterally deciding to not enforce the law of the land--is that it might be unfair to illegal aliens who have broken our immigration laws.

What the Court is saying is that we, citizens, have no more rights than anyone who wanders into the country illegally seeking welfare for life.

Since when is it the Supreme Courts remit to decide that law breakers can't suffer for their crimes?

Of course the same man who made this travesty possible also unconstitutionally declared that the fees in Obamacare were really taxes.

That despite the fact that all the Democrats who passed Obamacare swore up and down it contained no new taxes.  It wouldn't have passed even the completely Democrat controlled government if people had thought it was a massive new tax bill.

So Roberts let the Democrats have their cake and eat it too. They were able to say that Obamacare contained no new taxes when they campaigned and they were able to keep Obamacare as the law of the land even though they couldn't have passed a revised version where the fees were relabeled as taxes.

In both of these cases, DACA and Obamacare, Roberts allowed Democrats to effectively change their laws without having to actually have Congress vote on the issue.

The same applies to the redefinition of "sex" to included "gender" and "sexual identity".  Democrats had tried multiple times to pass laws with that redefinition and had failed. Roberts then imposed what the Democrats wanted but couldn't get enough popular support for it to pass Congress.

In every case Roberts has twisted the law to make Democrats rulers and not representatives.

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