Friday, June 12, 2020

Joe Biden's dishonesty: stealth advisors

It turns out that Joe Biden's campaign is telling the people who advise Joe on the economy shouldn't tell anyone that they are doing so.

Which would be ok if those people never publicly spoke about economic policy between now and the election.

But the reality is that many of them will. Either on TV or to virtual class rooms full of students.

In either case not revealing that they are on Team Biden as they push Biden's economic position is amazingly dishonest.

Clearly someone who is advising Biden supports Biden which is fine but for them to conceal that link by pretending to be neutral is nothing short of lying to we the people.

That the Biden campaign is so eager to lie to you is not surprising.

Do you remember what Biden said about why he didn't want his records for the Senate to be opened for people to see if there was information about Tara Reade, the woman who has accused Biden of assault?

He said the following:

“The idea that they would all be made public[his Senate records] while I was running for public office — they could be really taken out of context,” Biden said, bemoaning it would “be fodder in a campaign.”

Which is an admission that there's stuff in his records that he knows voters wouldn't like.

So while demanding that Trump reveal all his private information just because Democrats are hoping to find something incriminating the same Democrats are saying Biden should be able to refuse to open his public records to see if anything cooperates the charges levied against him.

Note that Biden is concealing records compiled by people being paid for by the taxpayers and which we the people have a right to see while Trump is defending his 4th Amendment right to not have his private data exposed just because Democrats want to conduct a witch hunt.

Biden is lying to you about pretty much everything; that is when he isn't so out of it he accidentally says something rational like "And that I'm going to beat Joe Biden".

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