Saturday, June 13, 2020

America isn't systemically racist but the Democrat party is

Multiple studies show that cops are no more likely to shoot innocent Blacks than they are to shoot innocent whites.

When George Floyd died everyone, even Hitler himself Donald Trump, condemned the cops actions.

There isn't a credible conservative to be found who in any way justified what happened to Floyd.

If you want to know what a systemically racist society looks like go look at the Democrat run South of the first half of the last century. Cops could and did kill Blacks with impunity and Democrat politicians didn't bemoan that.

We've elected a Black President twice, Republican Presidents have had Blacks in key cabinet posts, and there is no evidence of systemic discrimination against Blacks by society in general.

Yes Blacks get profiled by the cops because Blacks in general commit far more crimes than whites do per capita.

The vast majority of Blacks are honest but the small percentage who aren't is 3 times larger than the small percentage of whites who commit crimes.

It's unfortunate that the Black majority suffers because of the criminality of a small fraction of the Black population but that's how life works.

But there are pockets of systemic racism in America; mostly in Democrat run cities.

Democrats have run Chicago for 89 years. Yet year after year thousands of Blacks are shot, and not by police, while the Democrats who run the city do nothing.

If two to three thousand white people were shot in Chicago in one year there'd be a cop on every street corner.  But the mass shooting of Blacks doesn't seem to bother Democrats.

Blacks in Democrat run cities can't get a decent education because the monopolistic public schools don't care.  In Chicago the average teacher's salary is $70K a year but only a tiny fraction of the students test at their grade level when they graduate.

Democrats call allowing poor Blacks to use a voucher to go to private schools which actually provide an education "racist".

Democrats get all upset whenever the % of Blacks in any group isn't the same as the % of Americans who are Black. They consistently declare that the only reason there are more Blacks in prison is racism for example. The fact that Blacks commit more crimes is irrelevant.

But Black women are 3 times as likely to abort as white women and Democrats cheer on Planned Parenthood which targets Blacks today just as it did in the past.  On the order of 80% of PP "clinics" are in minority neighborhoods.

If the Democrat party wasn't systemically racist it'd say that abortion should be safe and legal but we need to fix this disparity.  Instead we get only approving silence and the occasional study claiming to show that the more abortions the less we need to spend on welfare and the less crime we have.

Many Americans think America is systemically racist because academia, Democrats, and the #FakeNews media keep saying it is.

But the reality that since the Democrats fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal the main source of racism in America has been the Democrat party.

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