Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Safety for Democrat elites but not for we the people:Minneapolis edition

Three of the members of the Minneapolis City Council which is on record supporting the abolition of the police are using taxpayer dollars to pay for private security for themselves.

Over the past 3 weeks Minneapolis taxpayers have spent $63,000 to provide private security for those three.

This is what to expect from Democrats.  They are fascists at heart who don't believe that they should represent us but that they should rule us.

They, like all fascists, believe that they are better than us and that they deserve special privileges that we serfs aren't entitled to.

Interestingly while those 3 claim to have received death threats the Minneapolis Police Department has no record of threats, though they may have been filed confidentially.

This is what voting Democrat means. No cops to keep you safe but presumably armed security to protect the Democrats who make sure you're not safe.

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